Online Seminar of the Engineering Programmers’ Team of the Company Axon

On January 20, 7:00 pm, Axon’s team of engineering programmers conducted online seminars for the students of the BSU Faculty of Exact Sciences and Education on the topics: “Creating Software is More than Coding” and “What does a QA Engineer Do?” The event was held in the form of “Live Stream” on “YouTube” and “Telegram” on the Axon channel.

The seminar was conducted with the support of the “Erasmus+”program “  Boosting the Role of HEIs in The Industrial Transformation Towards the Industry 4.0 Paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine” as well as the support of the company Axon.

The participants of the seminar were given the possibility to ask questions around the topics interesting for them in the question and answer mode.

The Faculty of Exact Sciences and Education cooperates with international and local companies to improve the index of employment of the graduates, elaborate the practical skills and competences complying the labor market requirements in the students. One of the biggest partners of the faculty is the company Axon( The organization operates on the international market as the creator of the software packages interesting for business and economic fields. The company actively works on attracting the youth as well as offering them efficient training courses and employment.